Friday, August 22, 2008

Elbow Woes and Storm Fay!

Sorry I am not blogging much, arm still in dreadful pain, and it hurts to type. For anyone who missed the info, I shattered my right elbow in a nasty fall on Dec 14, 2007 and it STILL hurts like hell and I have very limited range of motion. I type pretty much only left handed so it tales FOR-Ev-A!

Below are the before and after X-Rays... not pretty!

As you can see, there's a lot of hardware in my right elbow now, in the first photo you can actually seee the heads of all 3 bones are broken right off. It hurts just THINKING about it!

Anyway, I just popped on to let family and friends know we're surviving Tropical Storm Fay, ok. We're soaking wet and there are tree branches down EVERYWHERE, and power's been off and on for days, but we're safe and dry inside!

See you all soon!



Artistgirl's Muse said...

Hi Lynnie,
Sorry about your elbow. I'm passing on the 'I love your blog' award to you! Get better soon! Debbie Tlach aka Artistgirl

DogLogic Lyn said...

Thanks sweetie! I'll check your blog too!