Sunday, February 15, 2009

H. Res. 1008 condemning the persecution of the Baha'is in Iran

It's about time our congress and senate do something bedside loading their bills up with pork! Lets hope we can take action to protect Baha'is physically (this does NOT mean using violence, this DOES mean DOING something besides just talking about it... taking responsibilty for fellow man), and not just talk about it!

Quoting my dear sister Gina, who spoke so eloquently:

I wish there was more we can do than post a video - important as that is. It seems such antiquated behavior to imprison and deny one's rights simply because of their religious beliefs. We as a race have come far beyond such prejudice. Relishing diversity marks mature behavior that thankfully is applauded in most parts of the world. Paraphrasing one saying -'there are as many paths to God as their are breaths'.



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