Wednesday, January 14, 2009

ART FIRE! The Newest Place to sell your Hand crafted goodies!

Have you heard of ART FIRE?
Art Fire is a new website for selling handmade items - I just signed up for it this week! I've tried JustBeads (no sales, ever!), gave up on EBAY (the listing and sales fees were KILLING me), and of course I have my beloved ETSY store, where I continue to list my lampwork and jewelry.

ArtFire - Buy Handmade - Sell Handmade

But, It's looking like Art Fire has the advantage over Etsy in several areas. I could spend a lot of time having Pam (my sweet daughter who does most of my typing for me since I am still in pretty severe arm pain) type out all the advantages of ART FIRE over Ebay, but if you take a look at this checklist , you'll agree that paying ONLY $7 a month, along with some HUGE benefits, will be far LESS EXPENSIVE than any other POPULAR sales outlet sites that we artisans currently have available to us!

If you like what you see, please DO consider Registering at ART FIRE Register on If you sign up soon, AND include a link on YOUR blog, share with at least 10 others who sign up, you may qualify for a FREE ART FIRE account! What's there to lose?

Please let me know what you think of Art Fire as well?
Lynnie (Pam typing!)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Dog Obedience what a hoot AND a challenge!

You guys are gonna LOVE this Obedience Club- Obedience Competition Routine, I was laughing so hard I cried! Enjoy! If you have similar Obedience Videos you'd like to share, EMAIL ME and I'll post them here!!
Hugs & Wags

Do you want your site or Blog Linked here? Email me at and I'll be glad to swap links!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

I LOVE Jonathan Coulton's music! Check it out!

I realize there's an awful lot of music here, so I've come up with a few short lists you can use to get your bearings. If you like what you hear and want more, you can see the entire catalog on the Music page. There are also lots of ways to get free music, buy digital downloads or plain old CDs - just click on the Getting Music; link. Click the arrows below to listen to some of his music before you buy or download!

4 Most Popular

Code Monkey
Re: Your Brains
Skullcrusher Mountain
Baby Got Back

4 Funny Ones

Millionaire Girlfriend
Tom Cruise Crazy
First of May

4 Sad Ones

I Crush Everything
When You Go
So Far So Good
I Hate California

4 Funny/Sad ones

The Future Soon
Christmas Is Interesting
Shop Vac
The Town Crotch

4 Geeky Ones

Mandelbrot Set
Chiron Beta Prime
That Spells DNA

4 Sweet Ones

Drinking with You
I’m Your Moon
You Ruined Everything
A Talk with George